2023 Year End Gift Redemption


Frequently Asked Questions


Question 1:

When can I redeem my Year End Gift?



To facilitate the gift redemption from 15 November 2023 to 30 November 2023, all eligible Team Members (TMs) will receive an SMS with a unique redemption code and the redemption site URL on 15 November 2023. Please send an email to hr@customer.axxel with your name and TM number if you did not receive the SMS.

从2023年 11月15日至 2023年 11月30日,所有符合条件的队员将在 2023年 11月15日收到带有独特兑换代码和兑换网站 URL 的短信。如果您没有收到短信,发送一封电子邮件包含你的姓名和队员工牌号到hr@customer.axxel


Question 2:

Can I redeem my Year End Gift after 30 November 2023?

我可以在 2023年 11月30日之后兑换我的年终礼品吗?


No, the Year End Gift redemption site will only open from 15 November 2023 to 30 November 2023.

不可以。年终礼品兑换网站仅在 2023年 11月15日至 2023年 11月30日期间开放。


Question 3:

Who is eligible to redeem the Year End Gift?

谁有资格兑换 2023年终礼品?


All Full-time and Part-time TMs and Interns who join the company before/on 15 November 2023 are eligible to redeem the Year End Gift.

截至 2023年 11月 15日,所有在职的全职、兼职队员和实习生都有资格兑换年终礼品。


Question 4:

I joined the company on 16 November 2023. Am I eligible to redeem the Year End Gift?

我是在2023年 11月16日加入公司。我是否有资格兑换年终礼物?


No. Only TMs who join the company before/on 15 November 2023 are eligible to redeem the Year End Gift.

不可以。只有在 2023年 11月 15日当天或之前加入公司的团员才有资格兑换年终礼品。


Question 5:

Can I collect my Year End Gift from my department?



No, this year's Year End Gift can only be redeemed online via the redemption site and will be delivered to your indicated residential address.



Question 6:

Can I deliver my Year End Gift to Marina Bay Sands address at 10 Bayfront Avenue?

我可以将年终礼品送到滨海湾金沙 – 10 Bayfront Avenue吗?


No. Please DO NOT indicate Marina Bay Sands (10 Bayfront Avenue) as your delivery address.

不可以。请不要指定 Marina Bay Sands (10 Bayfront Avenue) 为您的送货地址。


Question 7:

Can I send my Year End Gift to an overseas address?



No, Delivery will only be made to Singapore addresses.



Question 8:

I have submitted my redemption, when will I receive my Year End Gift?



The Year End Gift will be delivered to your indicated residential address by 16 December 2023.



Question 9:

Can I change my Year End Gift selection after I have submitted my redemption?



No. You cannot change your Year End Gift selection after you have submitted your redemption.



Question 10:

I received a damaged or defective Year End Gift. What should I do?



A one-for-one exchange will be done for any damaged or defective Year End Gift received. Please complete the one-for-one exchange gift form and submit it by 22 December 2023.


One-for-one exchange is for the same item and subjected to stock availability. In the event the selected gift is not available, we will replace it with a similar gift.


我们将为收到任何非人为原因造成质量问题的年终礼品进行 1-对-1 交换。请在2023年12 月 22 日之前填写一1-对-1 交换礼品表格





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